Bithumb Exchange Info, Markets & Trading Volume.

Exchange NameBithumb
Volume (24H) $335,229,220.96
3,453.38 BTC
CountrySouth Korea
Established Year2014
Bithumb exchange 24 hours trading volume is $335,229,220.96 (3,453.38 BTC) This exchange supports [supported-currencies] crypto currencies and [trading-pairs] market trading pairs. According to Alexa website traffic analysis this exchange website has [global-rank] rank worldwide. Its website is most popular in [popular-country] with a Alexa rank of [popular-country-rank]

Bithumb is operated by a company called BTC Co. Ltd. It was founded in 2013. Company is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score