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HomeTechnologyRevolutionizing The Gaming Industry With Web3

Revolutionizing The Gaming Industry With Web3

Web3 is the advanced version of the internet and is completely decentralized. The network members enjoy the freedom of ownership, which was not possible in the case of the current and previous versions of the internet. The applications of web3 are prevalent in numerous industries like education, healthcare, real estate, remote workspaces, and much more. Out of all, its best use case is felt in the gaming industry.

Games have always been popular among the people. One of the most popular games is play-to-earn, which entertains people, and lets them earn money. This is one of the unique features that has made the gaming industry more fun and exciting. Web3 games can provide in-game assets to the owners. The best part is that it is compatible with every platform’s gaming ecosystem. These are the characteristics that are leading businesses to develop such a gaming platform. One needs to get in touch with an advanced Web3 consulting company to take guidance for their gaming project.

Need For Web3 Gaming

The previous versions of the internet do not support the fantabulous characteristics that this new version will provide. Though this technology is still in its initial phases, the outlook it represents will be much better. The gamers faced major issues as they do require a rich gaming experience with mesmerizing visual effects. The stunning special effects and a complete 3D perspective are necessary to make the players not leave their positions while playing.

The conventional games gave the ownership to only developers. For instance, the gaming assets like weapons, the additional lives, sound effects, logos, and character skin etc. The developer store owner provides BG music, vehicles, etc., to the gamers. So, in short, the ultimate power was kept within the developers. It means that they were the only earners and managed everything. This was the biggest drawback that was felt by the gamers. No matter how much time and effort one has invested in the game, the developers have access to manoeuvre anything related to the game.

Features Of Web3 Gaming

Web3 gaming provides a full-fledged set of features to everyone associated with the gaming industry. The advanced versions of the unreal engines have opened doors for the crypto to take things to the advanced level.

The features of the web3 gaming are mentioned as under;


The biggest facility that web3 games provide is the gaming integration, where the older models can be channelled seamlessly into new ones without losing the data. The incorporation is necessary as players have their own set of preferential games which they would like to play at any given point. Therefore, such games are upgraded in a smooth manner by amplifying them to the dedicated blockchain/metaverse platforms. The coherent merger of the different models helps the gamers develop the avatars and promote the trading of their favourite assets.


Transparency is something that every platform strives for. Web3 is no exception; in this case, on the contrary, the blockchain-enabled apps or platforms are vulnerable to fraudulent activities like hacking. Also, the network members are completely aware of every decision made. This is due to the unambiguity characteristic that the blockchain offers. There is absolutely no chance of any single-point failure as the right to vote  is very much present with every member. It also signifies that whenever any alteration is required in the gaming process, the decision is taken by each member.

No Downtime

The limitation of any game lies in the perspective of downtime. Downtime is the biggest cause for causing inconvenience to the players. This can happen anytime, and it can ruin the whole playing experience. To correct the downtime, a lot of time and money are required to make the process effortless. The web3-based platforms charge negligible maintenance costs with no interference from any governing authority. Such games are, first of all, resistant to downtime as they are developed with advanced tools and technologies. Moreover, they have enough storage capacity and are highly scalable.

Improved Customer Engagement

The traditional games did not have many options as far as customization was concerned. However, the scenario is completely different in the case of the web3 games. Here,  the gamers are given the leeway to perform modifications. This helps provide a captivating user experience that leads to extensive players’ involvement in the game.

The ultimate result is to make the gaming enthusiasts’ engagement rate much higher. It is also advantageous because it allows the multi-player user to access and acquire data from the real-world framework.

Bottom Line!!

The demand for the traditional games is slowly decreasing, and there is a rise in the blockchain games. All of this is possible because of the secure and transparent platform that it offers. Web3 gaming provides cross-platform compatibility, which is a significant move towards the gaming ecosystem.

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